The ViAdhOx system allows monitoring the patient’s adherence to oxygen therapy treatments. It is a powerful tool that allows pulmonologists to know details about the patient’s use of the oxygen source (hours of use per day, flow, daily adhesion map). The system is compatible with continuous flow and pulse flow oxygen sources, and can operate with liquid oxygen.
The system is based on a small portable electronic device that is placed between the oxygen concentrator and the patient. This device collects information about the patient’s adherence to treatment every 5 minutes. The data are downloaded periodically and transmitted to a Central Server from which they can be consulted by pulmonologists by means of any device connected to the Internet. The information provided by the system includes among others:
- Temporary adherence map (a graph indicating the patient’s adherence every hour of each day)
- Hours of use per day
- Monthly average hours of use per day
- Daily average flow
- Monthly flow rate